Twelve Filipino Students Claim Victory in American Mathematics Competition

Twelve Filipino Students Claim Victory in American Mathematics Competition

Twelve Filipino students, each ranking first within their respective schools, received first-place recognition for their performance in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 10 and 12.

Twelve first-place wins in the AMC 10 and 12 is an outstanding achievement of these Filipino math warriors from across the country. This stunning display of mathematical talent reflects their hard work and their schools’ commitment to excellence.

This success builds upon another notable achievement mentioned earlier where four Filipino students namely: Sebastian Lao, Grade 10, from Faith Academy, Adrienne Co, Grade 10, from Immaculate Conception Academy, Carsten Edmund Ang, Grade 8, from Chinese International School Manila, and Jerome Austin Te, Grade 11, from Jubilee Christian Academy qualified for the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) II. The combined success of these fifteen students represents a substantial accomplishment for Philippine mathematics.

The nation anticipates continued success from our talented young math wizards, recognizing their potential to contribute to the future of mathematics in the Philippines and beyond. Their dedication and skills serve as an inspiration to aspiring mathematicians nationwide.

2024 MAA AMC10/12 Certificates Link…/1Jw856p6m_7aI31rZybC8csWPBlw…

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